Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Beach Day

Our third day was spent lounging around at Jacqui's brother Jon's house and hanging out at the beach. We had a great time and we always love hanging out with Brian, Megan, Lauren, and of course Uncle Jon. Thanks again guys!

Cruisin' The Streets

Bradley Playing In The Sand

Jake and Mommy Wearing Shades

Bradley Obviously Having A Good Time

More Fun In The Sand
Playing In The Waves

1 comment:

suzy q said...

Hi there, I just stumbled across your blog and I was noticing the clarity of your photos. I have a weird request for you. I'd like to know what camera you are using! I am a mom of three in Seattle and take my camera everywhere with me, my pictures are great but yours are better! If you get a moment, could you email me the make and model?
Thanks, Suzy